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使用 react-router 跳转时,如何将参数传递给下一个页面?

Posted on:2024年8月20日 at 11:24

react-router 中实现页面跳转并传递参数,可以通过以下几种方式来完成:

1. 通过 URL 参数传递


在定义路由时,可以使用 URL 参数。例如:

<Route path="/user/:id" component={User} />


使用 useHistoryuseNavigate(在 React Router v6 中)进行跳转时,可以将参数添加到 URL 中:

import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; // React Router v5

function RedirectToUser() {
  const history = useHistory();

  const handleClick = () => {
    history.push(`/user/123`); // 跳转到 /user/123

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Go to User 123</button>;
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; // React Router v6

function RedirectToUser() {
  const navigate = useNavigate();

  const handleClick = () => {
    navigate(`/user/123`); // 跳转到 /user/123

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Go to User 123</button>;


在目标组件中,可以使用 useParams 钩子(在 React Router v6 中也是 useParams)来接收 URL 参数:

import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

function User() {
  const { id } = useParams();
  return <div>User ID: {id}</div>;

2. 通过查询字符串传递


可以将参数作为查询字符串添加到 URL 中:

import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; // React Router v5

function RedirectToUser() {
  const history = useHistory();

  const handleClick = () => {
    history.push(`/user?id=123`); // 跳转到 /user?id=123

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Go to User</button>;
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; // React Router v6

function RedirectToUser() {
  const navigate = useNavigate();

  const handleClick = () => {
    navigate(`/user?id=123`); // 跳转到 /user?id=123

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Go to User</button>;


可以使用 URLSearchParams 来获取查询参数:

import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";

function User() {
  const { search } = useLocation();
  const params = new URLSearchParams(search);
  const id = params.get("id");
  return <div>User ID: {id}</div>;

3. 通过状态传递



import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom"; // React Router v5

function RedirectToUser() {
  const history = useHistory();

  const handleClick = () => {
      pathname: "/user",
      state: { id: 123 },

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Go to User</button>;
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; // React Router v6

function RedirectToUser() {
  const navigate = useNavigate();

  const handleClick = () => {
    navigate("/user", { state: { id: 123 } });

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Go to User</button>;


在目标组件中,可以通过 useLocation 钩子获取传递的状态:

import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";

function User() {
  const location = useLocation();
  const id = location.state?.id;
  return <div>User ID: {id}</div>;